Root Canal Treatment

Root canal treatment or Endodontic therapy is often the final attempt to save a broken or diseased tooth. Once the pulp of a tooth becomes infected by bacteria or becomes irreversibly inflamed, a painful abscess forms at the base of the tooth, which requires treatment if the tooth is to remain in the mouth.

Root canal treatment has a reputation for being a painful procedure, but at Robina Dental Group with appropriate local anaesthesia techniques and the option of happy gas, combined with the availability of rapid digital radiography, rubber dam and rotary endodontic techniques, root canal treatment is expedited and is usually completely painless with patients often falling asleep during the procedure!

Speak to one of our dentists to properly assess the suitability and prognosis of this treatment should you require endodontic therapy.

Wisdom Teeth extraction

Dr Valentine and the team at Robina Dental Group are experienced in removing troublesome wisdom teeth of all levels of difficulty. From simple extractions to those that may require minor oral surgery, you will be well cared for during and after your wisdom tooth extraction. In circumstances where specialist treatment is necessary, referral to an Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon is readily available.

In the relaxed environment of Robina Dental Group and with the high levels of care available, patients usually elect to have wisdom teeth removed in the dental surgery. However for those anxious patients where happy gas and oral sedation are not enough the option exists to have treatment take place in hospital under general anaesthetic.


The convenience of our on-site Orthopantomogram (OPG) X-ray unit means there is no need for referral to a separate radiology centre for wisdom teeth imaging and no need for re-scheduling for further treatment.

Contact us
Robina Dental Group

Robina Dental Group’s normal appointment hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Appointments outside these hours may be made by special arrangement. Same day emergency appointments are available.

Galleon Way Dental

Galleon Way Dental has normal appointment hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Appointments outside these hours may be made by special arrangement. Same day emergency appointments are available.

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