
Robina Dental Group practises dentistry utilising the principles of Minimum Intervention. Minimal Intervention Dentistry is a modern dental practice designed around the principal aim of preservation of as much of the natural tooth structure as possible.

Once the dental drill touches the tooth the `tooth death cycle’ commences. Nothing a dentist does lasts forever and slowly the tooth becomes more heavily filled as time goes on and fillings need replacement. Ultimately tooth loss is the result of this cycle. Performing excellent and high quality dentistry certainly slows this process as does patient education and ideal oral health behaviour.

The approach of minimal intervention dentistry is centred on management of the dental caries disease responsible for tooth decay, first by controlling and curing the disease, then restoring the tooth, filling only where necessary, and finally prevention from future decay. It is intended to be a complete management solution for tooth decay.

Home Routine

1. Toothbrush

A toothbrush with a small head and soft bristles is best to reach every tooth surface, without damaging the gums.

2. Fluoride Toothpaste

A toothpaste containing fluoride is important to strengthen the teeth; a particular toothpaste may be recommended accordingly.

3. lnterdental Cleaning

Any type of Floss, tape or waxed or interdental cleaning brush used daily will help reduce decay between the teeth.

Toothbrushing Technique

For the outside surfaces ofthe teeth place the brush at a 45 degree angle with the bristles in contact with the gums and the tooth.

Using light pressure make small circles to brush not scrub the outside surface ofthe top, and then bottom teeth.

Use the same circular motion to brush the inside surfaces of the teeth not forgetting the gum line.

For the back of the front teeth, place the bristles vertically and ‘flick’ the bristles away from the gums.

When brushing the chewing surfaces apply slight pressure to ensure the bristles reach the deeper pits and grooves of the molar teeth.

Plaque-free teeth feel smooth to the tongue after brushing.

Flossing Technique

The teeth should be flossed to ensure the plaque is removed from the mouth and does not stick to the neighboring tooth.

1. Take approximately 30 cm of floss, and wrap around both middle fingers.
2. Using your thumb and index finger to hold and guide the floss, firmly swipe the floss down the tooth past the tight contact area.
3. Hold the floss so it hugs the curvature of the tooth.
4. Move the floss along the tooth toward the gums-passing the floss beneath the gums and back out.
5. Repeat the same method for the adjacent tooth, and floss all teeth including behind molars and in spaces.

What is plaque?

Plaque is formed durlng the breakdown of simple carbohydrates and sugars in the mouth after meals and snacks.

The broken down carbs and sugars stick to the tooth surfaces and are colonised by the bacteria normally found in the mouth.

When the food debris is colonised and the bacterla begin to use the carbs and sugars as food, the soft layer of debris becomes known as ploque. The waste produced by bacteria in plaque is acid, and it comes into direct contact with the tooth surface. lf plaque is not removed effectively, it will accumulate-and breakdown the enamel surface

The Gums and Supporting Structures

Teeth are supported by bone, ligaments and gum fibers. Health gums appear firm, pink and do not bleed readily.


Bacteria contained in plaque causes the gum to become red, puffy and bleed easily-when brushing, flossing or even eating.


This state is called gingivitis and the damage can be reversed by flossing and brushing to remove the irritating plaque.


If gingivitis ls not reversed and infection persists, the body’s harsh immune reaction causes damage to the supporting structures of the teeth-gum fibers, ligament and also bone.


This condition is periodontal disease and this form of gum disease is irreversible regardless of effective plaque removal.


Regular professional plaque and calculus removal may prevent the progression of the disease; however, any damage to gum fibers, ligament and bone cannot be repaired.

The Tooth Structure

Enamel is the outermost layer of the tooth that is exposed above the gum line. lt is also the strongest layer, and is necessary to protect the underlying structures dentine and the pulp.

Enamel is vulnerable only to long-term acidic exposure and the forces of wear form other teeth, such as teeth clenching and grinding.

The strength of the enamel is attributed to a complex structure of calcium and phosphate minerals and may become stronger with the incorporation of fluoride.

This produces a more durable barrier against acid attacks and the penetration of bacteria causing tooth decay.

Beneath the enamel, dentine makes up the bulk of the tooth, and provides shape.

The dentine layer is softer, and therefore more vulnerable to bacterial invasion and decay.

Dentine encases the pulp chamber, which houses blood vessels and nerve supply to the tooth.

Preventing bacterial penetration of dentine is imperative in protecting the structure of the tooth, and avoiding the invasion of the blood and nerve supply in the pulp.

Contact us
Robina Dental Group

Robina Dental Group’s normal appointment hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Appointments outside these hours may be made by special arrangement. Same day emergency appointments are available.

Galleon Way Dental

Galleon Way Dental has normal appointment hours are from 8:30 am to 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday.

Appointments outside these hours may be made by special arrangement. Same day emergency appointments are available.

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